Drosera indumenta is a scrambling sundew named for its hairs that cover the entire plant (indumentum = covering of hair).
Drosera indumenta has a long, scrambling stem that grows up to 65 cm in length. It has glandular hairs that cover the entire plant from the base of the stem to the top, including the leaves, flower scapes and sepals. The leaves are produced in sets of three from a single node, with the middle leaf being the longest. This middle leaf regularly attaches to surrounding bushes for support. The flowers are pink. The styles are branched, with large divisions towards the base and smaller ones near the tip of the styles.
The species grows in sandy peat at the periphery of swamps and other waterlogged environments. It is found in the coastal plain between Perth and Margaret River.
Drosera indumenta is a member of the Drosera macrantha complex. It is distinguished from its relatives by the covering of hairs that extend to the base of the plant (The stems of D. macrantha and D. hirsuta are glabrous at the base of the plant). It is most similar to Drosera macrantha in that the indumenta is moderately dense (the indumenta of D. hirsuta is extremely dense). Drosera indumenta has pink flowers whereas those of D. macrantha on the Swan Coastal Plain are usually white (pink forms of D. macrantha exist in the Wheatbelt).
A similar taxon with hairs at the base of the stem occurs on the south coast from around Mt Barker east to the coast near Bremer Bay. These plants grow in better-drained niches elevated well above the winter inundation level while the type form of D. indumenta grows right at the periphery of swamps. The unopened but well-developed flower buds of the similar taxon is characteristically long compared to the type form.