Drosera myriantha Species Profile

Drosera myriantha Species Profile

Drosera myriantha is an erect tuberous sundew endemic to swamps in south-west Western Australia. The species is named after its many blooms (myrios = numerous, anthos = flower).

Drosera myriantha has an erect stem that grows around 20 – 30 cm tall. The main stem often branches once or twice towards the top of the plant. The laminae are orbicular and borne on arching petioles that face the leaves slightly downwards. These leaves occur singly along the stem. The flower stalk is long, about the same length as the leaved sections of the stem. The foliage and stem are a bright yellow-green to golden in colouration. The inflorescence is branched and bears many blooms. The flowers have narrow petals, which are coloured white to light pink.

The species inhabits swampy flats on the south coast east of Albany, the Swan and Scott Coastal Plains and in the Perth Hills. The species grows at the edge of swamps and in moist seepages draining into creek lines. It responds well to fire, with many plants observed in the recovering scrub. In unburnt habitats, it is difficult to find in part because the swamps are almost impenetrable. The species is late flowering compared to other tuberous sundews, occurring from late spring to early summer.

Drosera myriantha is easily recognisable by its branched, many-flowered inflorescence. Outside of bloom, it can be identified by its bright yellow-green foliage, and singly occurring orbicular leaves (as opposed to leaves occurring in sets of two or three from the same node). This foliage can be very similar to D. microphylla which also grows sympatrically in the swamps, but can be distinguished by its yellow coloration (the foliage of D. microphylla usually red in nature).

Drosera myriantha. Note the long inflorescence with many blooms, yellow coloration and singly occuring leaves
Pale pink flowered specimen
Habitat in a recovering swamp flat
Habitat in deep sand at the edge of a swamp
White flowered specimen

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