Drosera serpens is a species in the section Arachnopus (D. indica complex) that is named for its scrambling habit. The plant is widespread in tropical regions of Australia and SE Asia.
D. serpens can often grow as a large plant over 30 cm tall. The leaves feature an obvious petiole. The flower of the plant is usually pink and the pedicels are erect in fruit. The leaves can either be red or green. Like many species in the indica complex, this species has interesting indumenta. Close examination reveals the presence of yellow mushroom-shaped tichomes, as well as large red glands on the main stem of the plant. In addition, tiny ‘Y’ shaped appendages are present on the petiole.
The species is common in shallowly flooded plains and seeps across tropical Australia. The species can use its long arms to scramble amongst other plants but is also self-supporting in exposed niches. As with its relatives, the plant is an annual and dies during the dry season.
In the Australia, D. serpans can be distinguished at a glance by the presence of a distinct petiole and pink flowers. Examination of the stem for the yellow mushroom-like glands confirms the identification. It is particularly similar to D. fragrans, although D. fragrans has metallic cerise flowers and lacks the yellow glands.