Drosera menziesii Species Profile
Drosera menziesii is an erect species widespread in the southwest of Western Australia. Its name honours Archibald Menzies, surgeon of the Royal Nacy of Vancouver's voyage. Drosera menziesii has a…
Drosera menziesii is an erect species widespread in the southwest of Western Australia. Its name honours Archibald Menzies, surgeon of the Royal Nacy of Vancouver's voyage. Drosera menziesii has a…
Drosera magna is a rosetted tuberous species in the D. erythrorhiza complex. It is endemic to the sandplains between Perth and Geraldton. As its specific epithet suggests, the plants are…
Drosera macrantha is a scrambling tuberous species widespread across the south west of Western Australia. It is closely related to several other taxa which form a species complex. D. macrantha…
Drosera lunata is an erect tuberous species in the Drosera peltata complex. It is widespread across monsoonal Asia and Australia. In Australia, it is commonly found in Queensland and northern…
Drosera lowriei is a rosetted tuberous species associated with the granite outcrops of the Wheatbelt Region in Western Australia. The species has distinctive overlapping obovate leaves which get smaller as…
Drosera lasiantha is a pygmy sundew endemic to the Porongurup Range and nearby national park in southern Western Australia. It notably forms a towering stem of old growth, which can…
Drosera humilis is a fan leaved tuberous species endemic to the sandplains between Perth and Ajana. The species breaks dormancy in late winter with an inflorescence of white blooms. These…
Drosera hirsuta is a scrambling tuberous species endemic to the Geraldton Sandplains and adjacent plains in Western Australia. It is a member of the Drosera macrantha complex, sharing common features…
Drosera heterophylla is an erect tuberous species endemic to Western Australia. It is associated with winter-waterlogged niches such as swamps and the drainage channels of granite outcrops in the Swan…
Drosera erythrorhiza is a species of tuberous rosetted sundew that is widespread in the coastal south west of Western Australia. It is a variable species the grows in an wide…