Drosera porrecta Species Profile

Drosera porrecta Species Profile

Drosera porrecta is a member of the fan-leaved tuberous sundews endemic to Western Australia. The species is identified by its whorls of leaves, which emerge at regular intervals from an erect stem. The lower sections of the plant consist of a central stem with one or two whorls of ‘basal’ leaves with short petioles. From the last whorl emerges tall straight stems with clusters of leaves with long petioles borne out of a single node. Non-flowering plants tend to have one stem, while flowering plants often have multiple stems. The flowering plants usually have one main leaf-less inflorescence with many blooms and secondary inflorescences on the end of the other stems. The flowers are white and numerous.

Drosera porrecta grows in deep sandy substrates in the Swan Coastal Plain, into the Darling Scarp east of Perth and in the northern plains up to Geraldton. It is most commonly encountered in heathland in the northern sand plains or Jarrah forest around Perth.

The species is part of the Stolonifera complex. It is easily distinguishable by its straight erect stem and whorls of leaves (as opposed to the semi-erect stems of D. stolonifera and humilis). It is distinguished from Drosera ramellosa by its whorls of leaves (those of D. ramellosa are borne singly and alternate on the stem).

Two plants of Drosera porrecta. Note the whorls of leaves that emerge from a single node on the main stem. Near Jurien Bay.
A post-flowering specimen near Jurien Bay in early September. Note the main leaf-less inflorescence. Smaller inflorescences are borne of the end of the multiple stems.
Multi-stemmed plant near Jurien Bay. Non-flowering plants with multiple stems are uncommon but not unusual. Note the whorls of basal leaves with short petioles at the lower part of the plant.
Flowering specimen near Eneabba
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